Sketch It Out

📝 Sketch It Out is a Rolljak activity to get drawn responses to a question you pose. Choose between one or multiple responses per participant. Enable the collaboration and peer evaluation settings as well!

How can I create a session with Sketch It Out?

  • Click on Create Session button and choose Sketch It Out activity
  • Type the question. Add background image if needed
  • You can also add media, such as image, gif, or video.
  • Adjust the Number of Responses. You can fix the number of responses into only 1, 2, or up to 10, or just let your participants choose the number of responses. See the Participants’ Preview to see how it will look on your participant’s device.
  • Enable Collaboration or Peer Evaluation if needed.
  • Click Save.
  • You can have more than one activity in your session! Click on Add Activity to add an activity, and choose it based on your purpose

  • Click Done when you’re done creating the session.
  • You can Go Live to live the session with your participants, or Save For Later

What Your Participants Will See On Their Screen

Suggested Prompts You Can Use With The Open Ended Activity

Below you'll find a table with some suggested prompts you can use with the Sketch It Out activity in Rolljak. If you have any more ideas, feel free to let us know by emailing us at!

Subject Example Prompt Education Level Settings You Can Enable
Science Draw the lifecycle of a pupa
Primary School Multiple Response
Physics Draw the forces acting on the object
Secondary Schools Single Response
Geography Draw the process of an arch formation Secondary Schools Multiple Response
Geography Draw a volcano and label its features Secondary Schools Single Response
Math Make the correct sequence for an equation Secondary Schools Multiple Response
Math Drawing graphs for equations Secondary Schools, JC IB Single Response
Music Draw the corresponding notes on a stave Secondary Schools, JC IB, Poly ITE
Single Response, Multiple Response
Chemistry Draw a compound with covalent bonding as a dot and cross diagram Secondary Schools, JC IB Single Response
Design Thinking Identify the violated user heuristics in this design University, JC IB, Poly ITE Single Response, Multiple Response, Background

Workplace Management How might we alter our daily habits to enhance our learning? Draw out your idea! Leadership Workshops Collaboration, Single Response
Art Using what we have learnt about contrasting colours, sketch out your favourite item using at least 2 pairs of contrasting colours. Secondary Schools Collaboration, Single Response
Math Draw diagrams showing in which quadrant the rotating line OP lies in the following angles. In each case, state the reference angle. Answer each part on a different sketchpad. Secondary Schools Collaboration, Multiple Response
Math Without the use of a calculator, show on the sketchpad step by step how you solve 8^(2/3). Secondary Schools Collaboration, Single Response
Chinese 用 “悬崖勒马” 作为我们创意作文的主题,然后画出你们的作文大纲。请在那四个画板上绘画出你们的大纲:1. 起,2. 承,3. 转,4. 合 Primary Schools, Secondary Schools Background, Collaboration, Multiple Response
Outdoor Adventure Come up with a structural design for a kitchen gadget of your choice. Secondary School,University, JC IB, Poly ITE Collaboration,Multiple Response, Single Response
Horticulture Think of a plant species and either magnify or miniaturise it for an animal species it is not designed to serve. University, Secondary Schools, JC IB, Poly ITE Collaboration,Multiple Response, Single Response
Astronomy Draw the different phases for the evolution of stars. University, JC IB, Poly ITE Collaboration, Multiple Response
Astronomy Identify the different constellations in the image! Primary Schools, Secondary Schools Background, Multiple Response
Medicine Identify the anatomy of the being you see in this image. University Background, Multiple Response
Fashion & Textile Design Design a piece of clothing to suit people working in hot weather. Poly ITE, University Background, Collaboration, Single Response
Economics Explain how an increase in demand affects the economy using graphs. JC IB, Poly ITE, University Collaboration, Multiple Response, Single Response
Computer Science What are some instances where we can use Artificial Intelligence? JC IB, Poly ITE, University Collaboration, Multiple Response, Single Response
Science Draw the sequential stages of the water cycle! Primary School Background
Information Systems Come up with your choice of a neural network, draw the basic layers of it, and come up with three characteristics of it JC IB,Poly ITE, University Collaboration, Multiple Response, Single Response
Architecture Come up with a quick sketch for a new skyscraper. Poly ITE, University Collaboration, Multiple Response, Single Response
Creative Thinking Redesign an existing product to make it suitable for a new target audience Secondary Schools, JC IB, Poly ITE, University Multiple Response, Collaboration
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