
🏸Leaderboard allows you to see the rank of the participants’ achievements after playing an activity. Help them spark motivation as well as the confidence to perform better!

How to enable Leaderboard

  • Once you've finished creating the session, click on "Review," and you'll find options to enable or disable the Leaderboard.
  • If you want to add a competitive element to your session, keep the Leaderboard enabled, and it will display at the end of each activity.
  • If you don't need the Leaderboard, simply disable it. During the Live Session, you'll move on to the next activity, but the scores will still be calculated the same way and show up in the report.

Leaderboard vs result page

On the result page, you’re able to see all responses given by the participants, including the details of the evaluation. On the other hand, the leaderboard shows the score rank from highest to lowest.

If I enable it, where do I find the leaderboard?

  • After completing an activity, you will automatically go to the result page where you see the responses of all participants.
  • To go to the leaderboard, click Leaderboard on the bottom right corner of your screen. Select Back To Result to see the result page again. When everyone is ready, you can begin the next activity in your session by clicking Start Next Activity.

  • You can choose to hide some information from the result page, such as names or profanity. Click the arrow icon and choose the information you want to hide.

Can my participants see it on their devices?

No, they can only see the result of their own work on the device. The leaderboard, result page, and gallery are only available on facilitator’s screen.

What is Gallery?

The Gallery is the page where you find participants’ responses and results for each activity in a session.

How to see the Gallery

  • Easily access the Gallery every time you complete an activity during a live session. Click View Gallery and Rolljak will bring you to a gallery page on a new tab.

  • You can always go back to see it even when the session is over. Find the session you want to see under All Session. Click the square button on the left side of your screen and you’ll immediately in the gallery page.

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