Q&A is an interactive activity where participants ask questions and upvote their favorites for answers. It's widely used in public events, online communities, education, workshops, and seminars.

How to use Q&A in your session

In a session builder, choose the Q&A activity, type a prompt, and add media if needed. Read how to add media in your activity here.

You can customize Q&A activity settings to match your preferences

  • Moderation: As a facilitator, you moderate content by approving or dismissing questions
  • Allow Anonymous Questions: Allow participants to submit anonymously
  • Allow Participants To See All Questions: Allow participants to view all questions submitted by the audience

How Q&A works?

From the participant’s side:

When the session is live, participants have three tabs on their screen:

  • Newest: Displays the newest questions, including those that have been approved if you're using moderation.
  • Answered: Shows questions that have been answered and marked by the facilitator.
  • My Questions: Lists the questions the participant has asked.

Participants can ask questions by clicking the "Ask a Question" button on their screen, typing in their question, and then hitting the submit button. If you've enabled the option for anonymous questions, participants can also choose to make their questions anonymous by ticking this option.

For upvoting questions, participants go to the Newest tab on their screen and click the thumbs-up icon (👍🏼) next to the questions they want to upvote.

From the facilitator’s side (you):

Enabling Moderation:

When you enable moderation, you have a layer of control over the questions asked by participants. Here's how it works:

  1. Click the "Moderate Q&A" button located at the top right of your screen to open a new tab specifically for moderation.
  2. In the moderation tab, you will find three different sections:
    • Pending: This section displays all questions asked by participants that you haven't approved yet.
    • Approved: Questions you have already approved for display.
    • Dismissed: Questions you have decided not to show.
  3. For each question in the "Pending" section, you can take one of two actions:
    • Click ✔️ to approve the question.
    • Click ❌ to dismiss the question.These approval/dismissal buttons are located at the bottom right of each question in the "Pending" section.
  4. Questions you've approved will move to the "Approved" section. Here, you can further manage them by:
    • Pinning them for greater visibility.
    • Marking them as answered.
  5. You can filter the "Approved" questions to see only Pinned, Answered, or Unanswered questions based on your preferences.
  6. Any action you take in the moderation tab, such as approving, dismissing, mark answered, or pin questions, will be reflected in real-time on the main facilitator screen.
  7. To see these moderated questions on the main facilitator screen, click on "Expand Live Submission." Here, you will find:
    • The Top section, shows the most upvoted questions and the latest questions you approved.
    • Pinned questions are displayed in a dedicated section.
    • Answered questions are also shown in a separate section.

Without Moderation:

When you disable moderation, all questions submitted by participants will be displayed in the "Top" section on the main facilitator screen. In this case, you won't have the ability to approve or dismiss questions, but you can still:

  • Pin questions for greater visibility.
  • Mark questions as answered.

Note: If you've set "No Time" as the duration for the Q&A activity, you'll need to manually click "End Phase" to move to the next activity.

Enabling moderation provides more control over the questions asked by participants, allowing you to curate the content displayed during the session, while disabling moderation makes all submitted questions immediately visible in the "Top" section on the main facilitator screen without any approval process.

Watch this video to learn more about Q&A activity!

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