Types of Event Accounts

There are 3 types of accounts for Event plan users: Member, Admin, and Super Admin.

Each plan will begin with one account holder being assigned the position of Super Admin.


Added as attendees to the event, these users are given the fundamental functionalities of Rolljak, which include:

  • Joining Sessions created by Admins and Super Admin
  • Accessing the Community Page of the event
  • Editing their own profile (Name, Job Title, Description, Social Links, etc)

These accounts will have all the Premium functionalities of Rolljak till the end of the Event plan.


These users should be those who are part of the planning team or are heavily involved in the setting up process. They will have all the rights to control all Event Sessions and user management settings.

Functionalities that the Admin holds:

  • Adding more users
  • Assigning roles to users (e.g. upgrading users from Member to Admin)
  • Removing users (except the Super Admin)
  • Creating and editing Sessions for the event

Super Admin

The title of Super Admin should be given to the user who will be the most involved in the plan management. Super Admins cannot be removed from the Enterprise plan.

To understand the process of managing users, view the guide about Rolljak Enterprise

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