What is Team Mode?
How does Team Mode work?
When the session goes live, participants choose their own teams, however, you can reassign them. If you enable Collaboration it will be done within the team, while Peer Evaluations are random and occur between all players regardless of their team.
How can I enable Team Mode in my session?
- When you’re done creating a session and want to Go Live it, you will see the Team Mode pop up
- Enable the Team Mode
- You will have 2 teams in your session. You can always add teams.
- Rename the teams if necessary
- Click Go Live
What happens before the game started
Before the game started, your participants need to select the team and their names will appear in their selected team, shown on the facilitator’s screen.
Click on the Unassigned tab to see participants who have not selected the team, and you can assign them to one of a team.
You can move the participant to the other team, or even kick them from the game.